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Golden Fleece Vineyard Anderson Valley, Mendocino County

Vineyard co-proprietor Justin Miller leading the planting in 2015.

Vineyard co-proprietor Justin Miller leading the planting in 2015.

Planting in 2015 Pinot Noir Calera Clone with our decade’s long employees, the Gonzalez’s.

Planting in 2015 Pinot Noir Calera Clone with our decade’s long employees, the Gonzalez’s.

The pacific coast influence is significant to the mouthfeel and quality of our wines.

The Pacific coast influence is significant to the mouthfeel and quality of our wines, and its beauty. 

Our family night harvesting Pinot Noir Calera clone at midnight essential to capture its peak.

Our family night harvesting Pinot Noir Calera clone at midnight essential to capture its peak.

Family Winegrowers with the third generation, Elsa and Leif Warnelius-Miller alongside dad, Justin Warnelius-Miller at Golden Fleece Vineyard.

Pinot Noir Clone 116 flourishing in 2023 as the sun remains enticing the vines.

Pinot Noir Clone 115 flourishing in 2023 as the sun remains enticing the vines.

The elevation and coastal influence is a great influence on the specificity to the character of the varietal Pinot Noir grown in Anderson Valley.

The elevation and coastal influence is significant to the specificity of varietal character grown in Anderson Valley.